Manage your whole Foodservice processes from the supplier to your guest, patient, student or resident
Tasty. Safe. Efficient.
Tasty. Safe. Efficient.
You deliver hundreds, thousands or ten thousands meals a day to your guests, patients, students and residents? You operate various types of kitchens for staff canteens, hospitals, school canteens, aged care facilities and maybe more? Then you found the right Foodservice software solution to support all your Foodservice processes. Delegate Full Service Catering organizes your production, tracks your inventory and manages your supply chain with electronic catalogs, orders, receipts and invoices.
It also provides you with various options how meals can be ordered and automatically ensure diet compliance, take care of allergies, consider likes and dislikes. But that is not sufficient for an efficient solution. So Delegate Full Service Catering fully integrates in your solutions architecture – both front of house as well as in the back office, integrating with POS systems, Digital Signage solutions, accounting systems and much more.

Optimized Purchasing,
Digital Inventory and Recipes
Digital Inventory and Recipes
The core of Delegate's Foodservice software solution provides all functionality that you need for Purchasing, Inventory Management as well as Recipe Management. It covers the full range of possible processes - from paper-based, using mobile devices for digitalization of various process steps up to ideally a full electronic integration with your suppliers.
The ordering process is fully flexible - being it manual, stock based or on demand ordering based on production forecast. Cost calculation, nutrient calculation as well as allergens and additives not only globally but individually for each location is an important factor for your customer satisfaction and commercial success.

Menu Planning,
Production and Central Production
Production and Central Production
On top of the full featured ERP core, our Delegate Foodservice software solution provides you with all features that you need for Menu Planning, Production and Central Production. Menu Planning is the foundation that integrates with the POS system and Digital Signage solution and defines your Meal Offering and is used for ordering based on production forecast. Our post calculation reports help you to optimize your margin as well as reduce food waste.
More and more often the whole production or parts of it are centralized. Our Central Production module supports the full range of possible scenarios from delivering a few pre-produced items to some satellite kitchens up to near industrial style production using cook-chill and cook-freeze concepts including production batch tracking if needed. Also production kitchens with multiple production runs per day are fully supported. Of course all fully integrated with Meal Ordering.

Meal Ordering
and Meal Delivery
and Meal Delivery
Our Patients Service solution provides you with extensive functionality to support all our processes on how patients, residents and guest can order meals as well as all the processes in the kitchen to prepare and distribute meals. Independent of your style of food service be it classic tray service, advanced room service operation including electronic kitchen display, bulk delivery to service units or dining rooms. It is all there.
Of course all safe with proper diet and allergy management. Patient and resident data coming from your EMR including diet and best case allergy information. Intake tracking can not only be performed but also sent back to your EMR if needed.

Reporting and More
Reporting and More
Hardly any software solution is standalone today anymore. Integration in your IT architecture is a key success factor. Delegate Foodservice software solutions come with a wide variety of interfaces. Starting with LDAP or SAML for user authentication. Connecting your POS systems as well as Digital Signage solutions in the front of house. Connecting multiple EMR systems simultaneously preferably via HL7 standard. Connecting your suppliers via EDI from catalog to orders and up to receipts and invoices. Last but not least sending financial data to your back office systems – invoices, accruals, consumption, inventory values.
A huge set of reports completes the solution. Our Delegate Foodservice software solution was designed for and is being used by enterprises ranging from a single location up to many hundres or even thousands of locations.

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